Organizational performance management is so much more than the end of the year appraisal…it’s about translating goals into results. It is a comprehensive evaluation of not just are you doing things right, but whether you are doing the right things.
Organizational performance management focuses on individual employees, as well as on teams, programs, processes, and the organization as a whole.
We offer comprehensive consulting to determine the best organizational strategies, analyze current efforts against those benchmarks, and update workforce strategies to improve organizational performance and drive mission accomplishment in a manner consistent with applicable law.
Phase 1: ANCHOR
Strategically planning and measuring organizational performance is critical in the management of any organization. Changing and significantly increasing demands for programs, products, and services demand greater accountability and governance for peak organizational performance.
We will help your organization determine if it is “anchored in the right spot,” and doing the right things, in a manner consistent with applicable law.
Once your organization has refined its core purpose and key strategic priorities, it is time to determine how well your organization is positioned to fulfill that purpose and maintain focus on those priorities. Often this is either enhancing or completely adjusting current organizational processes or structure.
We will help your organization determine if it is doing things right.
After identifying where your workforce is today, the next step is to make the changes necessary to successfully operate in your optimal state.
We help your organization close the gaps identified in the “Anchor” and “Determine” phases.